Start Where You Are. Use What You Have. Do What You Can.
You don’t need more equipment or new exercise —you need more foundation.
Canine conditioning isn’t about the pretty, customized equipment or the trending exercises. It starts with assessing where your dog is right now—their posture, fitness level, strengths, and weaknesses. Mastering the basics with correct form and purpose is far more valuable than rushing into cool, flashy exercises.
Before you invest in more equipment and learn new exercises, ask yourself: Are you using what you already have effectively? Conditioning isn’t about what you own—it’s about how you train, and whether the exercises align with your fitness goals for your dog.
Functional Fitness: Progression
Progress your dog’s FUNCTIONAL FITNESS with these three (3) low-impact exercises. Building upon the foundational exercises, these progressions further promote balance, endurance, body awareness, flexibility. Start incorporating these exercises to help improve your dog’s overall fitness today!
Functional Fitness: Foundation
Start improving your dog's fitness today with these three (3) foundation FUNCTIONAl FITNESS exercises. These exercises promote balance, endurance, body awareness, flexibility. Dogs of all ages can benefit from a healthier lifestyle.
Do LESS with MORE consistency
April is National Canine Fitness Month!
One of the most frequently asked questions clients ask me is “How often should I be exercising my dog?”
My answer is always, “It depends.”
Straight line cavaletti
My second cavaletti module, Cavaletti Module 2: Straight line cavaletti, is now online and freely available!
Preparing for cavaletti
Pre-cavaletti skills are simple, low-impact, and appropriate for dogs of all ages, breeds, and lifestyles.
Conditioning can be simple, but they are not easy
Conditioning exercises can be simple, but simple exercises do not mean they are easy.
In fact, simple exercises are often some of the best exercises to identify issues that need improving.