For canine athletes at dog shows
Trigger Point Massage
Upcoming shows
Booking opens 7 days prior to show
Make sure you are booking the correct date for your show!
Improves range of motion
Releases tension in muscle bands
Alleviates muscle dysfunction to improve performance
Promotes circulation to enhance recovery
Evaluates your canine athlete’s functional wellness
Identifies areas of concern for informed decision regarding competition, enables early professional intervention and/or treatment
Each dog show appointment includes:
Evaluation of major muscle groups to identify areas of concern
Trigger point massage customized to meet your canine athlete’s needs and your goals
Therapeutic massage for end-of-day or end-of-trial to promote relaxation and recovery
Recommendations for modalities to be implemented between runs and at home
*Dogs with prior injury and/or pre-existing conditions must provide veterinarian clearance.
Siny Tsang is not a licensed veterinarian. Canine fitness & conditioning or bodywork should not be used as a substitute for professional veterinary care. As a canine fitness trainer and small animal bodywork practitioner, Siny Tsang does not diagnose or treat injuries or illnesses, nor does she provide medical advice or treatment. Any observations made during the conditioning or bodywork session will be communicated to the client, with recommendations to consult a veterinarian or other qualified healthcare provider. Animals seeking our services after a medical condition must have written clearance from a veterinarian. In case of a medical emergency, please seek immediate assistance from a veterinarian or the nearest animal hospital.